The Final Recommendations Regarding Cannabidiol.

Un podcast en anglais pour faire le tour de la situation.

The Final Recommendations Regarding Cannabidiol Review


Today on Grassroots Marketing we are live at USCC Expo in Miami Florida, and we are speaking to Amy Case King, Outreach Advisor for For Alternative Approaches to Addiction. Amy Case King is an international drug reform policy activist. Currently, her focus is on the international scheduling of cannabis. She is a member of FAAAT (For Alternative Approaches to Addiction) a think tank for international drug policy. She has attended and spoken on behalf of US patients at the World Health Organization, Expert Committee of Drug Dependence, hearing for the cannabidiol critical review. She has addressed the Commission of Narcotic Drugs in regards to drug policy changes and will be attending the intercessional meetings leading up CND March 2019 meeting where the final recommendations regarding cannabidiol will be addressed in the scheduling controls.

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