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Tilray Novartis Deal to Distribute Medical Marijuana Globally

(NdlR : une nouvelle rassurante pour celles et ceux qui ne croient pas qu’ils seront témoins de leur vivant de la légalisation du cannabis. Lorsque les grands intérêts des multinationales sont en jeux, avec de juteux profits en perspective, alors les règles peuvent s’assouplir pour leur faire la place qu’ils souhaitent occuper. Ce qui est une très mauvaise nouvelle pour ceux et celles -notamment cannabinophiles et cannabiculteurs- qui espèrent que la légalisation du cannabis permettra de changer les mentalités des individus et les pratiques délétères qui façonnent notre monde d’aujourd’hui. Cette annonce tirée du cercle de la spéculation et de la finance indique clairement qu’il ne faut pas s’attendre à ce que le cannabis légalisé facilitera l’avènement du société durable, soutenable et désirable.)

The partnership will also allow Tilray to “capture early share in new medical cannabis markets as they come online,” Cowen analyst Vivien Azer wrote in a note, adding that it should boost the pot company’s top and bottom lines. “While we would continue to expect Tilray to have some of its own feet on the ground, the Sandoz expansion allows Tilray to invest more modestly and leverage Sandoz’s scale.”

Nanaimo, British Columbia-based Tilray and Sandoz Canada have been working together since March, when they announced an alliance to develop new medical cannabis products and collaborate on research and education. The companies also co-branded eight oil and capsule medical cannabis products and are joint members of the Common Initiative, a group that’s urging Canada to allow distribution of medical pot in pharmacies. Currently it’s only available via mail.

The partnership with Sandoz Canada “has been successful,” Kennedy said. “It’s been a very good experience, their team and their culture matches well with ours, we share similar values and visions for the future of the medical cannabis industry globally.”

For a time, Tilray was the largest cannabis company by market value until it was eclipsed by Canopy Growth Corp. The shares have risen almost fourfold since its July IPO but lost 78 percent from their peak on Sept. 19 through Monday, reducing the market value to $6.1 billion. It has products available in 12 countries and operations in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Portugal and Latin America.

Voir en ligne : Bloomberg

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