Après de longues négociations avec les autorités suisses, Bernard Rappaz doit effectuer une peine de 5 ans et 8 mois de prison pour le développement de son commerce de chanvre thérapeutique, textile, etc...
Enquête à charge, procès à charge, jugement inéquitable (la co-gérante écope d’une peine inférieure) pour des chefs d’accusation hallucinants (Accusé de blanchiment d’argent) pour un militant du chanvre, (comme Marc Emery), et ce alors qu’il a toujours voulu respecter la législation de son pays et des cantons suisses.
Il est un bouc émissaire, l’homme à abattre.
Non violent par conviction profonde et depuis toujours ; pour exprimer son désaccord et obtenir une révision de son procès (dont la demande tarde à trouver une réponse des autorités suisses), il entame une nouvelle grève de la faim, à 57 ans.
Au bout d’une cinquantaine de jours, il a été hospitalisé et on lui a accordé une permission spéciale de 2 semaines pendant lesquelles il a pu reprendre un peu de force, mais pas récupérer toute l’énergie dépensée dans son bras de fer avec les autorités.
Ces mêmes autorités qui n’ont pas attendues l’issue des deux semaines, et qui l’ont renvoyé poursuivre sa peine, tout en sachant qu’il reprendrait sa grève de la faim, l’appellent hypocritement comme pour s’en laver les mains, à s’alimenter.
Cette affaire est étouffée par de nombreux lobbys peu scrupuleux, qui mettent la pression sur l’état et la presse pour que ça ne s’ébruite pas trop.
Site de soutien : http://supportrappaz.org
Pour compléter :
Son blog :
Swiss hemp activist Bernard Rappaz was sentenced to 5 years and 8 months in prison after a biased trial, which included the spectacle of the prosecution hurling accusations ranging from violations of federal anti-narcotic laws and money laundering to traffic violations. After a 50-day hunger strike to obtain a federal review of his trial, Rappaz was released and put under house arrest, and then re-incarcerated. He has restarted his hunger strike. Further demonstrating the fact that Rappaz has been unfairly targeted, his business partner only received a prison sentence, which was then reduced to parole, and a small fine. Have the Swiss authorities sentenced Rappaz to death ?
After long negotiations with the Swiss authorities, Bernard Rappaz must serve a prison term of 5 years and 8 month for the cultivation and trade of hemp for therapeutic purposes, textile, etc.
Unfair trial and investigation, disproportionate sentencing (his business partner received less punishment) outrageous and fallacious charges (accused of money laundering) for a hemp activist, (like Marc Emery), and this, although he always wanted to respect the laws of his country and of the swiss districts (cantons).
He is a scapegoat, a targeted man.
Long committed to nonviolence, Rappaz has begun a hunger strike to express his dissent and demand a review of his case (to which Swiss authorities took a long time to respond.) He is doing this at age 57.
After fifty days, he had to be hospitalized and was subsequently granted 2-week probation during which he was able to recover some of his strength, but not all of the energy that he had spent in his conflict with authorities.
These same authorities, who did not respect the two-week probation and who have sent him back to continue his sentence, while fully aware that he would restart his hunger strike, have hypocritically called for him to eat in an attempt to wash their hands of the situation.
Reporting on this affair has been stifled by the many unscrupulous lobbies which pressure the state and the press to keep quiet about the case.